You're on the hook for the remainder of the term, yes. For example, a notice to terminate a month-to-month lease must be given at least 7 days ahead of time and must end the tenancy on the last day of the month.If I know my tenant is moving out in 30 or 60 days, I put the place up for rent. So it's possible that you could lease it for that date. Find 4309 flexible and convenient short-term apartments for rent in Charlotte. Rentals not paid on or before the first day of the Payment Period will be considered late, and any such non-payment will constitute a breach of this Agreement. In North Carolina, an eviction case is called "summary ejectment. On average, it should take about 1 month to 3 months for a complete North Carolina eviction process. Leases is an extensive subject that covers a variety of topics, including vacancy leases, renewal leases, security deposits, roommates, subletting, and more. The lease has ended, but the tenant has not moved out.