Generally, a written lease states that if a tenant remains after the fixed term expires, the tenancy shall be considered a month-to- month tenancy. Leases differ somewhat in terms, but items that the parties may wish to include in a written lease agreement are: 1) Name and signature of the landlord;.My tenant is asking for 6 months lease and offering 6 months rent in advance. The property is in Michigan. Standard (1year) Lease Agreement This residential lease has a term of one year, typically with the option to renew. According to state laws, a rental agreement in Michigan may be done orally or in written form if the lease's duration is under 12 months. No escrow account is needed in Michigan but it is advised to keep the money in an account and only draw out the rent for that month. A Michigan lease agreement allows a landlord to lease property to a tenant in exchange for rent. You will be walking out on a signed legal contract, a legal commitment agreeing to lease the property and pay rent for one full year. The terms may vary, but commonly a standard lease is for one year, with rent due on the first of each month.