This agreement, the lease, can either be oral or memorialized in writing. We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms.Here you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions, downloadable forms to help you manage your lease, and essential telephone numbers. It's time to fill out a rental application. ▫ lapse of time (the lease term has expired and the tenant has not moved out);. ▫ nonpayment of rent when due or within the grace period;. You'll pay rent monthly but the "lease" is an agreement saying you'll do so for one year at the current rate with the current amenities. As a party to the agreement, a cosigner's name appears on the lease, but he or she does not have to live in the apartment. This means they no longer want to rent it out. If so, they must issue an 18-Month Notice to Quit to the tenant before trying to evict them.