A New York standard apartment lease agreement is a contract between a landlord and tenant for the rental of an apartment. THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") made and entered into this.Apartment Lease Agreement – For a residential unit located in a multi-family. PREAMBLE: This lease contains the agreements between You and Owner concerning Your rights and obligations and the rights and obligations of Owner. A New York lease agreement is a contract that outlines the intricacies surrounding a rental property, typically involving two (2) parties. New York residential lease forms for stabilized and unregulated apartments, house, condo and seasonal rentals; revised with simplified language. A New York lease agreement is used to formalize the rental arrangement between tenant and landlord. No Waterbeds No waterbeds or water-filled furniture shall be kept in the Apartment. 20. Rules Tenant must comply with Landlord's Rules. A New York residential lease agreement is a contract between a landlord and tenant for the occupation of rental property for a fixed term (commonly 1-year).