In California, you could write a 6 month lease that explicitly states it does not convert to monthtomonth after the 6 months, and then not extend it. Find 709 flexible and convenient short-term apartments for rent in Oakland.I asked about my lease renewal and was told the owner no longer wants to renew leases and will move all future leases to month-to-month (with no rent increase). The owner must file a Property Owner Certification Prior to Move-Out Negotiations with the Rent Adjustment Program prior to entering into Move-Out Negotiations. Shorter lease terms (such as 6 months) are available if you and the owner agree to it and if the shorter term is market practice. Yes, you can move out BUT you remain liable for the rent until the end of the lease - unless your landlord agrees otherwise. California Tenants – A Guide to Residential Tenants' and Landlords' Rights and. Depending on the situation, signing a new lease may be obligatory, or it may be completely inappropriate. The official website of the City of Oakland. You CAN be picky about who you rent to, and ensure it's a situation where they will vacate as expected.