Learn when and how tenants may legally terminate a lease in California, and how to limit liability for rent through the end of the lease term. You have the right to legally terminate your lease under certain conditions, which almost always exist.Post on craigslist or facebook and maybe offer it slightly discounted. Second just ask your landlord. Civil Code §1946.7 allows you to notify your landlord, break the lease, move out, and no longer be required to pay rent after 14 days. When can I use this law? The Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance prohibits a property owner from terminating a tenancy without good or just cause. In this post, we are outlining everything you need to know regarding breaking a lease under California law. The Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance prohibits a property owner from terminating a tenancy without good or just cause. As a landlord, you do not have a right to break a tenant's twelvemonth lease early.