An Ohio lease agreement is a legal contract written for a landlord seeking to rent residential or commercial property to a tenant. RENT AND UTILITIES: The Tenant agrees to pay, in advance, the biweekly rental rate of.An Ohio lease agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and tenant for the rental of commercial or residential space. An Ohio lease agreement is a physical (or digital) record confirming the details of a rental arrangement for real property. Filling out an Ohio rental application form is step one for potential tenants eyeing a new place. 3. FORM OF PAYMENT: Tenants agree to pay their rent in the form of a personal check, a cashier's check, or a money order made. Ohio Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template. An OH lease agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and a tenant. This is written to conform to state laws where the property is located. An Ohio lease agreement is a contract that a landlord uses to rent out their property under certain conditions to a tenant.