Discover how to write effective lease agreements as a landlord in PA. Stay compliant with state regulations and protect your investment. Standard (1-year) Lease Agreement – This rental contract allows a tenant to lease a residential property for 12 months, usually with the option to renew.Recuerde que si no da aviso adecuado, podrĂa estar incumpliendo el contrato de alquiler y perder el depĂłsito de garantĂa. A lease or rental agreement is a legal contract that outlines the duties between the landlord and tenant. Create your free, printable lease agreement now. How do I fill this out? To fill out this rental application, gather all necessary information about yourself and any co-signers. ALQUILER: El inquilino pagará al arrendador en cuotas mensuales iguales de. Existen viviendas pĂşblicas de todo tipo y tamaño, desde viviendas unifamiliares dispersas hasta apartamentos en torre para familias de ancianos. Firma el contrato de arrendamiento.