You need a Rental License to rent out a property. One license can cover all units within a single address.Nothing is official until you sign a lease. Just filling out the application doesn't commit you to renting the space you looked at. It is a model lease template, built for Philadelphia's landlords and tenants, which is easy to understand and amend and is downloadable for free. The property address and unit number will be clearly stated in the lease. It shall be unlawful for any owner, landlord, agent or other person operating or managing premises to terminate a lease with a tenant. Include with your complaint a copy of the Notice to Vacate, all the current Housing Inspection license and all. A prospective landlord shall make a decision to rent to or reject a prospective tenant only after reviewing the prospective tenant's specific application. If there's an application they need to fill out, ask for a copy so you can give it directly to the prospective tenants.