After 100 years you (your grand children) will get a notice stating the lease is over. You would then have two options.To help assisted families successfully lease rental units available on the private market, HACSB has implemented a landlord incentives activity. A lease exceeding 99 years is void under the law as a suppression of California public policy encouraging the free exchange and development of land. The buyer will be the owner for 99 years after which the landowner can assert ownership of the land again. Discussing how a lease over 99 years is void, not voidable, look closely at a recent case regarding a commercial property with a long lease. Property owners and managers have participated in the San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner. In the case of Tufield Corporation v. Bangalore; Gurgaon; Gurugram; Mumbai. Ireland. Dublin. Italy. These grants would increase in value as students complete 30 semester units in a college year, thus incentivizing students to complete a degree in four years.