Applying for housing assistance is free! Interested applicants may submit an online pre-application.Participation in the Housing Choice Voucher program has many benefits for landlords, including guaranteed income. Short-Term Rental applications for permits are currently accepted for dwellings located in the Mountain and Desert areas of San Bernardino County. A landlord must meet many legal requirements before they can ask for a court order that says their tenant must move out. Please complete the attached application. It is th e p u b lic p o lic y o f th e S ta te o f C a lifo rn ia to e n c o u ra g e e m p lo y e e s to n o tify a n a p p ro p ria te. Debe pagar, si se están efectuando los pagos el primer día de cada mes, durante los. 261-J-12-Nova Iguass. Quizas lo mejor seria una.