No information is available for this page. Before you begin to fill out the application, be prepared with the names, social security numbers, dates of birth and annual income for all family members.451 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410 T: 202-708-1112 TTY: 202-708-1455 Find a HUD office near you Necesita un contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda? The STRO Ordinance requires a license for all STROs of a dwelling unit, or part thereof, for less than one month within the City of San Diego. A. LOCAL : El propietario por la presente ofrece alquilar una vivienda, ubicada en _. , que consta de ___ baño. A Rental Unit Business Tax billing statement is mailed to property owners not having a Homeowner's Exemption on file with the County of San Diego Assessor. Obtenga ayuda para poner una queja o denuncia contra su arrendador o administrador de la propiedad que renta.