In Arizona, either spouse in a divorce can have their family law attorney request an order for spousal maintenance or spousal support. To complete this form you will need: â–« A copy of your current spousal maintenance or spousal maintenance and child support order.If you are requesting support as part of your divorce settlement, providing financial information about your earnings and work history will be necessary. Any spousal support that is ordered postdivorce will last for the duration the judge sets in the final divorce judgment. Spousal maintenance is not awarded in all Arizona divorce cases. Rather, one spouse must be able to prove that they require extra financial support. The judge can award spousal maintenance, also known as alimony, only for a period of time and in an amount necessary to enable you to become self-sufficient. The duration of post-divorce support will be established in the final judgement. Time and child support orders. Default - When a non-filing spouse (Respondent) in a divorce lawsuit declines or neglects to participate in the divorce process.