Spousal support is ordered when a spouse needs help to become self-supporting. To complete this form you will need: â–« A copy of your current spousal maintenance or spousal maintenance and child support order.The courts provide a free calculator that can be used to determine what a divorcing parent's child support obligations might be. A look at when spousal maintenance is deemed necessary, who qualifies, and how the court decides how much alimony to award. View forms and instructions to change child support or alimony or spousal maintenance in Maricopa County, Arizona. When couples in Arizona file for divorce, either spouse may request the court issue an order for Spousal Maintenance or Spousal Support. On the other hand, spouses who are capable of living on their own without financial support may not need alimony. Is It Possible to Have Alimony Orders Modified? Sums received as child support from the other parent in the same case. 1383), effective September 24, 2022.