You can choose to make your payment in whatever way is most convenient for you. The order shall include the obligor's social security number.You may also fill out this form online at the Family Support Center Website. Information for those looking for forms, location information, or legal resources pertaining to all court jurisdictions in Arizona. When couples in Arizona file for divorce, either spouse may request the court issue an order for Spousal Maintenance or Spousal Support. Current Spousal Support. (Alimony) Dollar amount to be withheld per the time period (for example, week, month) specified in the underlying support order. In the interim, OMB extended the expiration date of the previously approved form to allow child support agencies to issue an IWO until programming for the. The purpose of spousal support is to assist the lower-income earner in becoming self-sufficient. And there's no such thing as "permanent" or "lifetime" alimony in the state.