A parent or other legally responsible adult can ask Family Court for a support order for an adult dependent that is developmentally disabled. If there are children whose needs make it difficult for the parent to work to cover their living expenses, the court may grant them spousal support.Unlike child support, alimony that is, spousal support is tax deductible to the payer, and the payee has to report it as income. Spousal support is about five years, child support would be until they are eighteen or out of college. If alimony should be ordered; If you want to have a former name restored. Do not try to negotiate spousal support on your own. You need a divorce attorney looking out for your best interests and protecting your rights. You do not need to fill out this form if your spouse already did. Divorce can be financially difficult if you rely on your spouse's income to support you. When a married person makes the often-difficult decision to get divorced, many concerns may immediately fill their mind: where will the children reside?