The quick answer is yes. Alimony does not trigger the passport denial system and you will be free of the yoke if you move to another country.These forms and instructions are available in the General Clerk's Office, Room 108, in the Nassau County. This helpful guide from the Family Liaison Office (FLO) provides the information and resources you will need during this sometimes difficult process. Contact our law office today at 214-881-2100 to schedule a consultation with our Collin and Denton county spousal support lawyer. Has anyone ever fled the country to another one to avoid alimony and child support? Noncompliance with courtordered child support and or alimony could result in the garnishment of the. Service member's pay under reference (b). Alimony, also called aliment (Scotland), maintenance spousal support (U. A US citizen payer should be allowed a deduction on his or her US tax return for alimony payments made to a nonresident.