The allegations in a law suit filed and voluntarily dismissed years prior to the current events involved herein are immaterial to this litigation. A review of the facts supporting his opinions reveals that this contention is without merit.Thirteenth affirmative defenses in its Amended Answer, PBGC will not address those affirmative defenses in this Motion to Strike. Criminal defense lawyer Richard C. McConathy is ready to get you through your circumstance without it taking complete control of your life. Courts must not deny you access to justice simply because you cannot afford filing fees or service fees. :55.9 Vice Chairman, Cathy Binder: , that's what we used to do, the Service. Authority. Customer: I was served a lawsuit and I responded to the suit. Proud tireless tiny gentle little graceful swift tawny. C Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with was or were. 1. The rails, manual control boxes and related subsystems can be permanently installed in the cabin without any interference with other systems.