Before the Court is a motion to strike portions of Plaintiff's claim for exemplary damages and a demurrer to the Complaint. This HowTo Guide addresses the steps for filing and serving motions in general civil cases in Contra Costa County Superior Court.California Rules of Civil Procedure - Motion to Strike Contra Costa - Superior Court of California - Local and Federal Court Rules Made Easy. To assist Contra Costa County in its commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity, applicants are asked to voluntarily provide the following information. Cite one case on the basic rules that apply to your case if possible. Welcome to Contra Costa County's on-line application process! But then we said: 'The same clerks did these as do welfare applications every day at work! Demurrer (the facts stated in the complaint are wrong, or the deadline to file the lawsuit has passed);. 2. Updated Chikungunya in India December 19, 2024 There is an outbreak of chikungunya in the states of Maharashtra and Telangana, India. Field Work means that you get to spend a good portion of your time working outdoors.