If a cheating spouse spends substantial marital funds on an extramarital relationship, this could influence spousal support. How Does an Affair Affect Alimony?While you cannot sue your spouse directly for cheating, you can file for a faultbased divorce and potentially receive a more favorable property division. In Texas, merely cheating is not enough to get alimony (we call it spousal support). In Texas, we have limited s.s. If the cheating spouse is seeking alimony, the court may be less likely to award it. I'm interested to know how many of you are paying spousal support to your cheating spouse and how does that make you feel? Learn about alimony in Texas, including criteria, types, and how to modify and enforce payments in this informative guide. A spouse may have to pay spousal support if such payment meets one or more of the main purposes of spousal support set out in the Divorce Act . When it comes to alimony, or spousal support, the occurrence of an affair generally does not directly affect the settlement.