This list contains current links to state divorce forms where available. Some states may have additional requirements or restrictions.Learn about the kinds of spousal support in California, how judges decide the amount and duration of alimony, and whether you can change the award later. State-sponsored programs, such as self-help centers, can guide individuals in filling out necessary forms and understanding their rights regarding alimony. The most important form is probably your FL 150, called the income and expense declaration. Learn how you or the court may decide when and how spousal support can be changed, and how to request an alimony modification. When seeking spousal support, the lower earning spouse must first file a Request for Order asking that the Court award spousal support. The amount of child care costs; The percentage, or amount of parenting time awarded in a court order; Whether a parent is incarcerated. However, you have to request it, and there may be additional forms you have to fill out. However, you have to request it, and there may be additional forms you have to fill out.