Motion to Strike, Sever, or Try Separately. 14.05, Third-Party Defendant's Claim against a Nonparty.If you need help understanding how to fill out or file the forms, contact District Court Administration or one of the Self-Help Centers. For example, a motion to preclude asks the court to ban the testimony or evidence from being used in the case. The person serving the paperwork must fill out the appropriate Affidavit of Service. 4. The Hennepin County Attorney's Office filed a motion asking the court to order the Minnesota State Patrol to release any public or private misconduct records. A variety of statutory, constitutional, and common-law limitations restrict the scope of matters discoverable. Below are the most commonly used forms in the District Court of the District of Minnesota. For additional forms, please visit the forms library. You can use SoloSuit's Answer Form to respond to a debt collection Summons in Minnesota.