Although adultery in and of itself may not qualify as a factor in determining alimony, the circumstances surrounding it might have an impact. Alimony, which New York now calls "maintenance" flows from the moneyed spouse to the nonmoneyed spouse no matter the actual facts.Alimony should be withdrawn from spousal support for anyone making under a certain living. If the non-financially supporting spouse cheats on the supporting spouse before separation, the cheating party is no longer entitled to alimony payments. Yes, you would qualify for alimony from your husband unless you, as the dependent spouse, have committed an act of illicit sexual behavior during the marriage. Although the California family court system does not usually take infidelity into account in divorce proceedings, there are certain cases where it can affect custody agreements or spousal support. Alimony is genderneutral and either spouse can petition to receive it. If an unfaithful spouse misspends marital funds in support of their extramarital affair, the dissipation of marital assets has occurred. I haven't come across any scripture in the bible that supports a christian divorcing a spouse. Separation yes but not divorce. Reply. Melissa.