A motion to strike asks the court to ban a pleading, like an Answer, from being used. (a) Without Leave of Court.This document contains the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to- gether with forms, as amended to December 1, 2014. Customer: The Plaintiff entered a motion to strike my amended answer. A defendant may assert a new Rule 12(b) defense against an amended complaint only where the defendant challenges "new matter". ✓ Remember that just because you fill out the forms correctly does not necessarily mean the Court will give you (grant) what you want. Please see our video Motion to Dismiss since there is an exception to this rule. Defendants filed their motion to dismiss, and Randolph-Ali has never sought leave of court to further amend this pleading. Amend a pleading without leave of court, but subject to disallowance on the court's own motion or a motion to strike of an adverse party, at any time more. I agree with my colleague.