Family Support Services Office Hours: am - pm, Monday - Friday, except holidays. Office Telephone Number: (602) 37-CLERK, or (602) 372-5375.The order says an "income withholding order will be issued to your employer. " Until then you are to pay the clearinghouse directly. In Arizona, either spouse in a divorce can have their family law attorney request an order for spousal maintenance or spousal support. You may also fill out this form online at the Family Support Center Website. The garnishment process begins with filling out the "Application for Writ of Garnishment" and "Writ of Garnishment and Summons. A look at when spousal maintenance is deemed necessary, who qualifies, and how the court decides how much alimony to award. Find out how to establish a child support order or medical support. In the court's analysis of the spousal support issue, it may be an abuse of judicial discretion to neglect any of the 13 factors.