You must file in the Probate and Family Court in the county where the alimony was originally granted, usually where you were divorced. You must send the court order to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service directing the government to pay monies for support or alimony.As dedicated alimony lawyers in Worcester, we work hard to protect our clients. Why Hire a Military Divorce Attorney? A Massachusetts military divorce lawyer can navigate the intricate details of a military divorce. Call Turco Legal, P.C. at (978) 225-9030. Under these laws, a Massachusetts court can delay any divorce proceeding for a military member who is on active duty and for up to 60 days afterward. Receive the high-quality legal counsel you deserve. General alimony is defined as the periodic payment of support to a recipient spouse who is economically dependent. Spousal support is not included in Michigan's selfhelp divorce worksheet.