Get in touch with alimony lawyers near you: call (704) 919-1519 or fill out our online contact form. Write your name and address in the plaintiff's section and write your spouse's name and address in the defendant's section of the summons.Sodoma Law helps both prospective alimony payors and recipients in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, and throughout western North Carolina. The supporting spouse may decide to pay the alimony in a lump sum payment. Spousal support is available to economically dependent spouses in North Carolina. To learn more about alimony in North Carolina, contact our Charlotte spousal support lawyers online or call us at (704) 286-0570. Our Charlotte based divorce attorney is well versed in alimony and spousal support laws and are prepared to help with your case. "Marital misconduct" can include abandonment, excessive use of alcohol or drugs, or adultery. How is spousal support (alimony) calculated? If the supporting spouse is guilty of such behavior, he or she is statutorily required to pay alimony.