Are you seeking alimony in Florida? Our spousal support lawyer in Miami-Dade is ready to guide you through every step of the alimony process.The appeals court ordered the trial judge to award permanent alimony to a wife who was legally blind, receiving disability benefits, and unable to work. The truth of the matter is that if disability payments are coming in, they are subject to alimony the majority of the time. Call Miami Divorce Attorneys at (786) 321-9064 for your Consultation with a Miami Alimony and Spousal Support Attorney! As a general rule, judges in Florida will set the amount of alimony based on the recipient spouse's demonstrated need. Dade County Legal Aid provides free civil legal services to qualifying low-income residents of Miami-Dade County. After completing this form, you should sign the form. You should then file this document with the clerk of the circuit court in the county where the petition. Rehabilitative alimony: When a spouse needs support for education, training, or skills to become self-sufficient, they may receive rehabilitative alimony.