As with alimony, adultery can affect judges' decisions on other issues in a Michigan divorce. Martial fault, including cheating, can be a factor in alimony decisions, but there's no law saying a cheating spouse can or can't get spousal support.There are three remedies for a cheating spouse in Michigan divorce law. The first is criminal and the second and third are civil remedies. Judges may consider infidelity when determining alimony if it significantly affected the marriage's financial aspects or emotional wellbeing. Spousal support is decided on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes spousal support is needed to make sure both parties are taken care of after a divorce. Whether cheating was involved on either side does not matter in this decision. However, cheating can still impact your Michigan divorce case. If your spouse has discovered you are having an affair or had an affair, you should immediately consult with a family law attorney or divorce lawyer.