What is Alimony (Spousal Support)?. When you are separated or divorced, the judge may order one party to pay spousal support.The truth of the matter is that if disability payments are coming in, they are subject to alimony the majority of the time. Rehabilitative alimony provides short-term financial support following a divorce. The Law Offices of Travis R. Walker, P.A., can help. Here is useful information about steps involved in divorcing a disabled spouse and how a Boca Raton divorce lawyer can assist. Bridge-the-gap alimony is temporary assistance designed to help individuals transition from married life to financial self-sufficiency. The appeals court ordered the trial judge to award permanent alimony to a wife who was legally blind, receiving disability benefits, and unable to work. When calculating alimony, SSDI payments are considered income, while SSI is not. Most of the time, the court will only consider a request for permanent alimony if the parties were married 17 years or more.