If you are requesting support as part of your divorce settlement, providing financial information about your earnings and work history will be necessary. Alimony may last for a predetermined amount of time, or it could last for life.However, spousal support terminates if the receiving spouse remarries. To complete this form you will need: â–« A copy of your current spousal maintenance or spousal maintenance and child support order. You can choose to make your payment in whatever way is most convenient for you. In Arizona, either spouse in a divorce can have their family law attorney request an order for spousal maintenance or spousal support. To schedule your free consultation at my office, call 602-842-0887 or fill out the contact form. Outlines the terms of the divorce settlement that both spouses have agreed upon, including issues related to property division, child custody, and support. A look at when spousal maintenance is deemed necessary, who qualifies, and how the court decides how much alimony to award. Spousal maintenance can be received during divorce and after the process is complete if necessary.