Spousal maintenance is calculated from many factors. These factors include family size, income, mortgage payments, and expenses.Online legal forms are useful for frequent, basic, and necessary tasks. You can choose to make your payment in whatever way is most convenient for you. In Arizona, a spouse seeking alimony during or after a divorce must prove their financial need and the other spouse's ability to pay. Use our FREE online Arizona alimony calculator to determine spousal maintenance costs in AZ. ✓ Instant. A fast, affordable, and simple divorce process using our fully-guided divorce questionnaire and filing service. Arizona law requires a judge to consider the age, income, and health of the spouse seeking spousal maintenance when calculating spousal maintenance in Arizona. Child custody for minor children; Child support matters; Alimony, spousal support, or spousal maintenance; Who will live in the marital home. Child Support Order; Order of Assignment; Fact Sheet.