How to fill out the Motion to Set and IFLT Election. Motion to Set Trial Date.On a motion to dismiss, the Court must take Plaintiff's factual allegations as true. On this basis, the Court finds. Petition to permanently adopt the FASTAR Rules in Pima County, and modify FASTAR Rules101 and 126. Plaintiff's Motion to Strike will be denied to the extent it asks the Court to strike any portion of Pima County's Statement of Facts. I need help with a Motion to Strike in Maricopa County Superior Court, Arizona on Defendants third motion for summary. D.C.. 1997)), this motion to strike appropriately asks the Court to stop Plaintiffs' counsel's scumIous. If you explain your situation to the court in a motion to excuse appointed arbitrator for good cause, you will likely prevail. Lighting for signs listed in the City of Tucson Historic Landmark Sign.