There is no filing fee in Family Court. Child support and spousal support can be filed in the same petition.A parent or other legally responsible adult can ask Family Court for a support order for an adult dependent that is developmentally disabled. Spousal support is an amount of money that the court orders one spouse to pay to the other spouse for his or her reasonable needs. Call 6319231910 or fill in the form below. Get your complimentary consultation and case evaluation with our experienced attorneys today. If the paying spouse becomes seriously ill or disabled, leading to a decrease in their earning capacity, they may request a reduction in alimony. Contact Us Now - Call (212) 706-2001 - Rudyuk Law Firm is dedicated to helping individuals and families in Divorce and Family Law cases. Spousal support is long- or short-term payment from an independent spouse to a dependent spouse as a result of a divorce or a legal separation. Spousal suppport, also known as alimony, provides financial compensation for a lower-earning or non-working spouse after a divorce.