Complete the fields below and press calculate to estimate alimony. The figures presented are based on legal California alimony guidelines.Usually, a good rule of thumb is spousal support will last for one-half the length of the marriage. Your spouse will owe interest on any unpaid support. All alimony in California is based on one spouse's need for support and the other spouse's ability to pay. Agreements must be fair and reasonable. Online Form Preparation and eFiling, Pay a Traffic Ticket, Probate Notes, Remote Access Resource List, Self-Help Resources, Forms and Rules This California alimony calculator calculates California maintenance using the California county alimony formulas. In California, the court will consider 4320 factors when determining both the amount and duration of spousal support. Whether you need to receive alimony or will have to pay spousal support, contact a San Bernardino divorce lawyer to get a fair arrangement!