Spousal support (also known as alimony) is a court ordered payment from one spouse or domestic partner to help cover the other's monthly expenses. You can take steps to determine the legitimacy of a disability claim and form accurate calculations based on professional evaluations of the situation.Temporary spousal support is court-ordered monthly payment from one spouse to the other while a family law case is on-going. Our San Diego spousal support attorneys can help! CA's Top Family Law Attorneys Explain Disability During Marriage and Spousal Support. Alimony can be a contentious issues among divorcing couples. You are going to have to argue the Family Code Section 4320 factors for an increase in spousal support. Navigating the complexities of divorce involves many considerations, including the possibility of spousal support, also known as alimony. For advice specific to your case, please call our main intake line at 877-LEGAL-AID (877-534-2524) to be screened for eligibility. For a complimentary telephone consultation, cNeumann Family Law, APC at (619) 282-1107, or (760) 480-8400.