Our attorneys register an out-of-state or foreign order as a first step to having the order recognized and enforced in the State of California. To ease the monetary transition of the spouse with a lower income, a spousal support may be awarded on a temporary basis in case of a legal separation.In most cases, both spouses must file form I751 jointly. Divorce isn't always an amicable process, and cooperation may be difficult to come by. Alimony law requires courts to consider any history of domestic violence between the parties, which can impact both the amount and duration of alimony payments. California law allows for alternative solutions to monthly alimony payments as a way of offering flexibility and freedom for both parties. Get in touch today to find out how our San Diego spousal support lawyers can help! Immigration status is typically not an issue regarding support, so check with your family attorney as to your alimony obligations. For information on appearing remotely, visit the San Diego County Superior Court's Family Law Hearings page. Additional Resources.