Spousal support (also known as alimony) is a court ordered payment from one spouse or domestic partner to help cover the other's monthly expenses. Once a divorce is final, you may receive (or pay) spousal or domestic partner support.This is called permanent or long-term spousal support. San Jose Spousal Support Lawyer And Santa Clara Alimony Attorney Helping Clients with Divorce and Alimony Matters in Santa Clara County. Permanent spousal support, sometimes called "alimony", refers to payments made from one spouse to another once the divorce is finalized. Complete the fields below and press calculate to estimate alimony. The figures presented are based on legal California alimony guidelines. Spousal support, also called alimony, is the payment that a court may order one spouse to pay another spouse when a couple gets divorced or separated. Call (408) 601-4439 to speak with our spousal maintenance attorney. Initial consultations are provided at no cost.