Every pleading, plea, motion, or application to the court for an order, whether in the form of a motion, plea, or other form of request, unless presented. A motion is an application to the court for a specific court order within the confines of an existing case.All motions must comply with the Local Rules or the court may "strike" or disregard them. 3.1 A party filing an action in Tarrant County must give his or her deposition in Tarrant County, if requested. The motion to transfer venue must be filed before trial, no later than 21 days after the defendant's answer is filed. The party filing the discovery motion must also submit a proposed Order. As the amended Answer would remain subject to a motion to strike due to redundancy. Note: All persons involved in a lawsuit should consult an attorney. This office gives you forms and information on court procedures. "Generally, a court ruling on a motion to dismiss may rely on only the complaint and its proper attachments.