Important Note: This is the actual Form - Use the LDSS-5039 as a Guide when filling it out. The IRS states that you can't deduct alimony or separate maintenance payments made under a divorce or separation agreement executed after 2018.McKnight Law helps clients pursue alimony to get a fair amount of financial spousal support after divorce to help pay bills. Contact Us. Alimony in Wake County. In Wake County, both spouses are required to complete a Financial Affidavit, which establishes their income levels and expenses, both on the date of separation. Find out what judges consider when deciding how much alimony to award during or after divorce—and when courts use formulas to calculate spousal support. This is the form that needs to be submitted to the Court. What needs to happen next to get him to pay amount ordered? Is garnishment an option? The party paying alimony is considered to be the "supporting spouse" and the party receiving alimony is considered to be the "dependent spouse.