This is an early release draft of an IRS tax form, instructions, or publication, which the IRS is providing for your information. • Sign the return in the space provided for the preparer's signature.• Fill in the other blanks in the "Paid. The Department requests that partnerships include a copy of their "as-filed" federal Form 1065 and all its schedules and attachments with their Arizona return. Learn about partnership filing requirements and due dates, including information on Form 3 and Schedule 3K-1 and how to report a federal audit. The purpose of this article is to provide partnerships a guide to the various filing procedures and tax forms to use to modify a previously filed Form 1065. For a list of forms and schedules available in ATX, please click on federal forms or select a state. Follow these steps to prepare a 1065 partnership amended return for electronic filing. Note Select the statement window for the Amended return field. With more than 2,800 federal and state forms and schedules, including state resident, part-year resident, nonresident, and automated.