After completing the Spousal Maintenance Calculator, print out the Spousal Maintenance Worksheet in order to file it with your other paperwork. To complete this form you will need: â–« A copy of your current spousal maintenance or spousal maintenance and child support order.The taxpayer and spouse must file a joint income tax return and include a completed Form 203 with the tax return, when filed. Online legal forms are useful for frequent, basic, and necessary tasks. If you were married in another county in Arizona, go to the Clerk of the Superior Court at the county seat where you were married. Information for those looking for forms, location information, or legal resources pertaining to all court jurisdictions in Arizona. Are you required to provide spousal maintenance? Contact our spousal maintenance lawyers near you in Phoenix, Arizona. This packet contains court forms and instructions about serving documents on your spouse. Also mark the appropriate box in the "Nature of Action" section.