I am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time or within six months of the principal immigrant named in Part 3. Use this form to show they have adequate means of financial support and are not likely to rely on the US government for financial support.An Affidavit of Support is US Immigration Form I-864. This form acts as proof that you are financially capable of managing your stay in the United States. If the bank does not complete the Bank Certification section of the UTSA financial affidavit form, you can submit supplemental financial support documents. The form assures that the US friend or family member will provide financial support for the foreign national while they remain in the US. What degree will you pursue once you complete ESL? The student will be asked to complete a Transfer-In Form in addition to the other required admission materials. Affidavit of financial support form available here: AFFIDAVIT. Note: Mistakes in completing the I-864 are a common reason for delays with an immigrant visa application.