All filing fees must be in the form of cash, cashier's check, money order, attorney's check or credit card (MasterCard or Visa only). Additional resources include a directory of local self-help centers.Sign this form in front of a Notary Public and have the Notary fill in the notarization at the bottom of this page; and. (2). View county cost breakdown. Here's everything you need to file for a simplified divorce in Broward County along with the right forms to begin the filing process. In fact, Broward County requires that you fill out and submit a form called the Declaration of Termination of Domestic Partnership. Application For Appointment As Guardian, April 28, 2008. No expired ID will be accepted. Additional minor payments may be required, such as those covering the cost of making copies. These form packets include instructions such as how many copies are needed, where to take the forms and what the next steps are.