The forms below are some of the most common forms used in the Domestic Relations Division, but there are many more. Download and complete Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts.Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The Clerk of the Court will give you a form from the State of Illinois, Bureau of Vital Statistics, which both you and your spouse must complete and sign. Learn about cohabitation agreements in Illinois. What they are, what the law says, and how it impacts you and your partner. This Affidavit is a form document and it is a breakdown of your gross monthly income; your net monthly income; your monthly expenses; your property. Tax Application and Affidavit Forms. Once completed, please submit the applicable form(s) below via email or mail to the address provided on the form. For some people, however, a divorce should probably should be as easy as filling out a form.