Oppositions and Replies. The Moderate Means Program is designed for clients who need legal representation for family law and have limited resources.Can't find what you're looking for? Dial 2-1-1 or text HOPE to 20121 to reach a live representative. The first step to get help with paying your fees and tuition is to submit an application for financial assistance. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority plans, funds, and implements innovative transit programs to improve lives and connect communities. Game Plan for Success (GPS) program provides professional support for students to achieve their highest potential through our many in-house resources. Contra Costa County is recruiting for skilled Legal Assistant's to fill positions in the Office of the Public Defender and County Counsel. â–» There are parks, community centers and gardens, small businesses, and faith spaces available to serve everyone in the diverse population. Movement to a New Reciprocal System: You must have a date of membership in the new system within six months of leaving the old system.