An action to enforce court orders is called a contempt action. You are asking the judge to hold in contempt the person who is not obeying the court order.Complete and bring to court a Cook County Rule 13.3 Financial Disclosure Statement. During these contempt proceedings, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO: 1. You can be held in contempt of court for as long as support is due and you are not paying. A parent who is required to pay child support or spousal support may be held in contempt if he or she fails to make regular payments. Filing for contempt of court is a method to enforce this order and compel compliance. Here's what you should consider. In cases involving child support arrears, the order shall state the precise amount of any arrearage found to be due and owing. In cases involving child support arrears, the order shall state the exact amount of any arrearage found to be due and owing.