Motion to Continue (Reschedule) or Extend Time. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms.➢ Even though you are representing yourself, you MUST fill out this section. These instructions guide filers on how request a hearing date (Motion Spindling) in the Cook County, Illinois Courts once the filing is pending. What forms do I need to fill out to file a Motion? O Motion: use this form to explain what you want the judge to do and any reasons why the judge should say. In Cook County, the process takes a little time. First, the party filing the motion must schedule the motion to be presented to the Court. The Illinois Supreme Court mandated Cook County to Utilize the Statewide Electronic Filing System (eFileIL) for Civil Case Filings in Cook County. Fill out the information below to show how you are sending this document to the other people in the case.