Obtain a Request for Judicial Intervention (RJI) form (see Exhibit C), complete both sides, and submit to the County Clerk (Room 189) with the. Call out your case name or your adversary's firm name.Then begin filling out a compliance conference order form. Petitioner urges that Respondent's motion must be denied because the motion does not annex an affidavit regarding why disclosure is necessary. This procedural guide covers generally applicable rules of motion practice in the Kings County Supreme Court. On November 26, 2007, I requisitioned the official court file for this action from the Kings County Clerk. These instructions guide filers on how request a hearing date (Motion Spindling) in the Cook County, Illinois Courts once the filing is pending. And cannot support a motion for summary judgment. EFSP's are Electronic Filing Service Providers who have partnered with the state of Illinois in the eFilelL initiative. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms.