Records of past or current citation(s), can be reviewed online. Once you enter the name and date of birth, click the details button.Filers in Dallas County can now e-file an Uncontested Divorce Without Children and Adult Name Changes through Guide and File! Yes, you can file an Amended Financial Affidavit, and you may use the same form filled out with the corrected information. The identification provided must bear the name and photograph of the person filing the affidavit and must be unexpired. You should contact your son's lawyer or the Dallas DA's office 2146533600. Updated as of June 04, 2024- Affidavit of Change of Appearance and Signature is no longer required to be notarized. Yes, you need to file an amended affidavit. You may fill out the same type form and add the word "amended" to the title. Either you or the election judge should fill in the Date of Election and Location fields.